Choose A Wallet.


In cryptocurrency, "wallet" has two meanings. In the first, a wallet refers to the public and private key pairs which enable you to store and transact a currency. A wallet can also refer to the software which helps create and organize those public and private key pairs, and to create transactions when you want to send some currency from your wallet to another wallet.

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Wallet Security

In general, software wallets do not expose users to the private keys which are used to secure your balance, and cryptographically sign transactions. However, it may be necessary (especially when migrating from one software wallet to another) to export/import or store your private key(s) (for example, for backup purposes). Always be conscious of the fact that anyone with access to a wallet's private key has full access to the funds associated with it. Do not store your private keys where they are accessible to anyone whom you do not want to give to your assets. Due to the nature of how cryptocurrency networks work, it is extraordinarily difficult and most times impossible to recover lost funds.

Reference Wallet

The "reference wallet" was developed along side the "reference client" (the main software that facilitates the cruzbit network). It is a command line-based software, compatible with Linux, Windows, and MacOS. The source code is available on Github. The guides below were created by cruzbit's creator, asdvxgxasjab.


Cruzall is a graphical software compatible with Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS.

Cruzall downloads can be found on its website. The source code is available on Github.